alert)Īc.addTextField(configurationHandler. Let ac = UIAlertController(title: "Add Note", message: nil, preferredStyle. NavigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true

done, target: self, action: #selector(addTask)) navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(image. Now when the right bar button is pressed it will call the addTask() function which will display the alertviewcontroller with a text field to get user input.
And create a new function called addTask() and add the code to display the alert view controller with a text box to get input from the user. Open up ViewController.swift and add the below code inside the ViewDidLoad() method.
How to get input from the user using AlertViewController

It inherits the Object class which is a class that comes with RealmDB. Her we created our model class named ToDoTask. import FoundationĬlass dynamic var tasknote: dynamic var taskid: String?

In the project navigator right click and create a new Swift file, and add the below code. We are going to create a Model class to represent the todo task. In our ToDo app, each task has a task name and a task id. Then embed a navigation controller and create the IBOutlets for the tableview in the ViewController.swift file: How to Create a Data Model in Realm Open up Main.storyboard and create a simple UI as shown below by adding a table view with a prototype cell. We are going to keep our app's UI simple. How to Design Your User Interface in Realm Note: after opening Xcode, make sure you build your project by pressing Command+B. Now run the below command to open our project in Xcode.
Now that we have specified the dependence for Realm DB, we can install the dependencies by running the below command: pod installĪs you can see, we have successfully added the Realm DB dependency in our iOS project. Edit your Podfile so that it looks similar to the below image. Open the file using any text editor (here I've used Vim). Now when you list the contents of the directory you can see that there is a new Podfile.
Realm is a cross platform mobile database, which means that you can use it in native Android and iOS apps and also in cross platform apps like those created using React Native. You can also use it as an alternative to Core Data in iOS apps. Realm is an open-source mobile database which is developer friendly and easy to use. We'll create a simple ToDo app so you can learn how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in the Realm database. Hello, everyone! In this article we are going to learn how to add the Realm database to an iOS app.